The impact of COVID-19 on aquaculture in China

We carried out a preliminary investigation to study the impact of COVID-19 on aquaculture in China and identify the strategies and measures that have been taken by the Chinese Government. The investigation involved questionnaire surveys designed for all stakeholders along the industrial chain, including grow-out farmers, seed producers, fish processors, fish traders, and feed companies engaged in the catfish sector in Hubei Province and the tilapia sector Guangdong Province during the strict period of control and after these control measures were lifted. We also attempted to summarize the government interventions and measures taken by different stakeholders along the value chain to minimize the damage caused by COVID-19 and support the recovery of different sectors in the aquaculture industry. We found that due to delayed harvesting, fish stocks were held-up in ponds and normal farming was interrupted. Farmers and traders were more severely impacted by the pandemic than other sectors. Furthermore, a series of strategies and measures are recommended to cope with the pandemic and other similar risks in the future. full text

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